Kanaf auf Hell Bound portet nicht...

  • Hallo,

    habe alles soweit was man braucht um bei Kanaf in die Stadt zu porten, aber da tut sich nichts. Habe Premium Certifikat und das nötige Quest von Matras angenommen. Sehr ärgerlich, wenn man bedenkt wie lange man da alles farmen muss auf HB um dann zu sehen, das es nicht weiter geht. Bitte mal nachschauen. Danke sehr.



  • Edit:

    Geht leider immer noch nicht. Normal sollte jeder in Party das Quest "Curiosity of a Matras" bei dem NPC Matras annehmen. Der Party Leader alleine braucht dann nur das Premium Certifiakt, also normalerweise. Evt. ist das hier anders eingestellt, so das alle die rein wollen das Premium Certi benötigen? Oder liegt es daran, das man das HB Level von Hand hochgesetzt hat, ka.



  • Stage 4 (Inner Oasis)

    Next you need to move on Inner Oasis where there are 2 NPC: Mantras and Shadai

    SHADAI : Shadai is on only from 00:00-06:00 am. From him you can buy Dynastic Essence I (432 ATOD) and Forgotten Scrolls for level 81 skills  (Expose Weak Point, Sixth Sense, Servitor Barrier, Seven Arrow, Silent Mind, Meteor, Star Fall) (259 ATOD + 12.000.000 adena) . More over he is the only 1 that he can use Dynastic Essence to improve dynasty armor.

    !!!! There is no need to have make HB quest to be able to trade with him.

    MATRAS : This is the NPC that you need to keep on with HB QUEST. Matras has 2 quest available :1.Curiosity Of Matras and

    2. Matras' Suspicious Request

    1.All party members must take Curiosity Of Matras

    When they accept it they will reward each one of them with 6 rough ore (one of each element),they are exact the same as attibute stone but you can't trade them.

    And to complete that quest you need Ranku's Blueprint and Demon Prince's Blueprint

    2.About Matras' Suspicious Request i suggest you to take it only 1 member from party

    For that quest you must kill any monsters in the first and second floor of the Base Tower of the Steel Citadel and collect 744  Red Stones from them and Matras will reward you with Dynastic Essence II.