Beiträge von Shadow

    The following things are included in the update:

    (+ add | - delete | * change/fix)

    + Add new oly param for print opponents info

    + Add new oly param for confirmDlg msg

    + Add Seed of Destruction Defence Stage support

    + add quickly adding a drop system to npcs

    + add support for a few days in epic fixed respawn configs

    + add quest _693_DefeatingDragonkinRemnants

    + add support Seed of Destruction (Chamblain...

    + add disconect correct time support in menu

    + add save location and return players to his prev loc after events

    + add announce for restart server at 90 60 and 30 min

    + add param for remove stun effects in dp

    + add lvl diff for mobs for world events drop items

    + add param for lvl mod for summons - add auto announce for raids and epics by config list

    + add param for offline trade(not kick offline char and can play with any char at account)

    + add new block broadcast filter if it finds a forbidden words

    + add miss warden spawn

    + add block skills support for funpvp zones

    + add lethal immunity support at xml & check all npcs like L2OFF

    + add protection for respawn at fight events

    + add new param for epaulette drop (only for reg attackers at sieges)

    + Knoriks add miss debuffs (add to AI too)

    + add min skills support for Cancel and Steal skills

    * achivements event full rework!

    * fixed miss calc drop chance for world events drop items

    * change week and weeks oly period (now end at sunday)

    * fixed null error at onEvtArrived

    * finaly rework pailakas instances & quests

    * fixed null error for canRevive funPvp zones

    * rework 128 quest & instance support

    * rework events rewards - some changes for offline traders (remove login session)

    * check mails to peace zone (add check town zones or peace)

    * fixed print party info for clan info (for rank)

    * correct move info for pets (if pet hungry)

    * fixed sometimes there are problems with stun

    * block hero items for temp Heroes

    * Backstab recalc - some changes for debuffs

    * check conditions for use with ctrl for some skills

    * effects info by shift+click for players (only to mobs or raids)

    * correct Hex enchant params

    * fixed effect HpByLevel (was blocked)

    * fixed correct work for skill Lure

    * final changes for calc debuff chances (block all if resist >=100%)

    * 423 quest chance chance for spawn quest npc

    * rework treasure chests spawn (like l2off & rnd spawn zones)

    * fix kamael subs to add wrong classes

    * fixed disable trigger effects if use CancelBySlot or CancelProbability effects

    * rework Stun effect

    * rework global ai support for mobs (if region not active - mobs with global AI enable)

    * fixed to block negative lvl if lvlup by addExp

    * rework SquashEvent (calc Squash types like L2Off)

    Dear community!

    After long consideration and numerous discussions we have decided not to add the RaidBosses as custom.

    I also adjusted the RaidBoss drop rate to 5x

    As soon as the next core update comes out, I will make the server public for everyone. Here you can have a look at the server.

    But it is not yet a final release!

    See you soon!

    Best regards

    The following things are included in the update:

    (+ add | - delete | * change/fix)

    + add new param for epaulette drop (only for reg attackers at sieges)

    + add new param for epic drops

    + add delay remove flag for char if leave from fun pvp zone

    + add date/time info to punish logs

    + add param for pvp flag delay in fun zones

    + add check to Antharas enter (check portal stone at all party or cc members)

    + add rename clan service

    + spawn zones group by Kate

    + add new support for epics (attach respawn by days)

    + add config for beleth to enter without command channel

    + add support to destroy instance if command channel remove

    + add config to check IPv4Filter if need

    + add miss htmls

    + add custom msg for global chat info for low level

    + if item block use by condition char does not have to stay on the run

    + add fightevents block items support in xml:

    + dead altar guards cant attack pk players :)

    + add custom bypass for community buffer for pages

    + add check to reg to fortress sieges in TW progress & check castles sieges

    + add calc rune exp and sp in party

    * rework treasure chests spawn (like l2off & rnd spawn zones)

    * fix bypasses for 511 quest

    * fix correct request equip if chat in attacking status

    * check beleth to double spawn

    * check tp status to rune town (chars can use tp in rune Temple and from primeval island if rune siege is active)

    * check to use mass sweep

    * fixed null errors in 102 and 716 quests

    * general tp from npcs block only to town if town castle in siege (not all territory)

    * sweep can use if inventory full - items drop to the ground

    * HotSpring correct z coords for fish zones

    * param for block save tp at sieges (by order)

    * fixed miss hp bonus from enchanting belts

    * fixed freeze mage classes when raid die and char was in casting status

    * param for clan lvl default if create

    * some change pagan zone AIs

    * Requiem not need select target for cast

    * some change for beleth (was errors)

    * check summon attacks if oly round end

    * miss check color title items

    * fixed problem with craft if chance was more 100%

    * correct target size for skill Focus Attack

    * rework color services (add days support & config)

    * check change nobless prepare duel

    * check lvlup service if exp off

    * 196 quest & instance rework

    * if castle siege start check all clans on fort registering (if have reg to fort remove from reg list)

    * some changed method for falling

    * check time for skill Discord

    * fix wrong html link for quest 10277_MutatedKaneusDion

    * chamber of delusion instances rework & add chance to tp to boss room

    * check to cleanup sellbuffs (problem with dublicate skills)

    * rework VanHaler & pagan zone (like L2OFF)

    * fixed gaps under geo with fly skills

    * check stats for all pets (like L2OFF)

    * check auto generate territory wars battle time

    * punishment system group to one system (add attempts & individual logs for each char)

    * fix skill Requiem

    * fix skill Dust Storm

    * fix spawn static object for rune throne

    * fix mid victory at siege (clans were losing auto-attackable status)

    * fix problem with remove active transformation when char rebuff more skills

    * fix check full inventory for stackable items and herbs

    * disable getLevelMod calc stats for mobs

    * block invite msg to event if char dead (can be problem with ressurection)

    * block acp if char isCombatFlagEquipped

    * miss change import for dp scripts

    * fix null error at PetFeedTask

    * recalc SOA drop

    * miss change instance support for 10292 quest

    * fix miss htmls for 511 dungeon

    * party duel is instance battle

    * rework some instances

    * typo my mistake for epics add info to db

    * check 3rd class to reg to olympiad (like L2Off)

    * fix print info for castle status in community ranking (Shuttgart was hidden)

    * auto immediately save respawn time for all epics (if he's dead)

    * close login server error if connect was with bad decrypt info (close client connection)

    * auto add buffs to scheme if char create new scheme buffs

    * null errors for quest _716_PathToBecomingALordRune

    * fix errors by minions respawn by report

    * oly crit if relog client

    * fix errors by LizardmanSummoner AI

    * fix errors by TullyWorkshop null errors

    * fix null error in checkDoCastConditions

    * some change Leprechaun event support

    * rework 195 quest to static reward

    * rework instance for 195 quest (add hide aggro support & check points & AI)

    * fix auto attack for fly skill (check autoAttackable target status)

    * debug & group spawn zones by Kate

    * typo changes for running npcs

    * if char becomes noobless, he is immediately given 10 oly points

    * rework support for Olympiad zones

    * change calculation and size for World regions

    * some change admin npc info

    * fixed skill Fatal Counter

    * changes for falling

    * final changes for cubics

    * fix fly skills correct valid location (if use potions)

    * recommendations system full update to HF5

    * some changes with move controller

    * remove skill 8239 if char leave from instance

    1) Newbie Guide - Select Magic Accessory funktioniert nicht

    Dieser Fehler kann derzeit von dem Rollback des Updates liegen. Sobald ich das neue Update habe, könnte dieses Problem behoben sein.

    2) Buffer steht in Giran - check - Funktioniert aber nicht

    Hab gesehen, dass ich diese Funktion deaktiviert habe, ändere ich ab und schon könnt ihr den Buffer nutzen.


    The following things are included in the update:

    (+ add | - delete | * change/fix)

    + Missing Buylists

    + +5 Knoriks in LOA

    + Spawn Raid: Fenril Hound Freki in new Zone GEODATA.ini

    + miss Warpgate for Anakim and Lilith teleport

    + miss Spawn for catacombs

    + miss Dialogues

    + Teleporter Aerial Cleft from Kecerius Base

    + Check validation winner for Oly

    + Instance: Hall of Suffering Defense

    + Instance: Heart of Infinity Defense

    + Instance: Urban Area

    + Instance: Dark Cloud Mansion

    + Instance: Crystal Caverns

    + Instance: Nornils Garden

    + Instance: Hideout of the Dawn

    + Instance: Mithril Mines

    + Instance: Jinia Guild Hideout

    + Instance: Library of the Sages

    + Instance: Elcadia's Tent

    + Instance: Freya Castle

    + Miss spawn for Tully 6 and 8 floor

    + Mailsystem: Items not accepted-> Items Return to Inventory

    * Rework Quest: To the Seed of Annihilation

    * Fixed Walking Mobs

    * Rework Gordon

    * Rework Zaken instances

    * Correct Attack Range for Transform

    * Rework Quest: Possessor Of a Precious Soul 3

    * Fix Totems conditions

    * Vortex Skills are not debuffs

    * Rework Quest: Testimony of Glory

    * Rework Quest: It Smells Delicious

    * Rework Quest: Path to Rogue

    * Rework Skill: Charm of Courage ??

    * Rework Quest: Testimony of Fate

    * Fix catsle quests for conferment territory

    * Fix route for Gracia airship

    * Fix Pride of Kamael Stats

    * Check summon attack at oly wait

    * Fix Instance: Frintezza

    * Rework Core Instance

    * Update stats for Guards

    * Check visible objects in any instances

    * Fix Quest: Perfect Form

    * Fix Quest: Matrass Suspicious Request

    * Rework Quest: Figuring it Out

    * Fix Event: Gift of Vitality

    * Rework Quest: Break Through the Hall of Suffering

    * Rework Quest: Defend the Hall of Suffering

    * Rework Quest: Conquer the Hall of Erosion

    * Rework Quest: Defend the Hall of Erosion

    * Rework Quest: Hall of Erosion Attack

    * Rework Quest: Hall of Erosion Defense

    * Rework Instance: Demon Prince

    * Rework Instance: Ranku

    * Rework Instance: Tower of Infinitum 5th Floor and 10th Floor

    * Fix Dialoguesfor BlackJudge

    * Rework Instance: Hall of Suffering Attack

    * Rework Instance: Hall of Suffering Defense

    * Rework Quest: Light with in the Darkness

    * Rework Quest: Hope with in the Darkness

    * Rework Quest: Awl under Foot

    * Rework Quest: Blade under Foot

    The following things are included in the update:

    (+ add | - delete | * change/fix)

    + add params for hide beleth cameras

    + add penalty services

    + add configs for exchange's talismans

    + add new AI for SOI instances

    * Treasure Chest

    * Dual Daggers on Subclass

    * Champion System

    * Update normal Teleporter

    * Update Clanlevel conditions

    * fix null error in PcStatus by report

    * some change Baium AI

    * full check 25_19 spawn square

    * rework demon prince and ranku instances

    * full rework SOI instances

    * typo correct dialogues for BlackJudge

    * correct check to take 422 quest

    * full localization fight events engine

    *rework and update part instances by new support

    Hallo biestbars,

    bis jetzt haben wir noch keine genauen Vorstellungen, wie wir dieses genau machen werden.

    Solange der Server allerdings in der Close Alpha und danach in die Open Beta übergeht, werden beide Server getrennt sein und keine Übertragung statt finden.

    Wie es mit dem Grand Opening aussieht, kann ich dir zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht genau sagen (aufwand der Datenübertragung etc. muss ich noch genau Prüfen)

    Allerdings kann ich grundsätzlich Sagen, dass "alte" User nicht leer ausgehen werden!

    Beste Grüße

    Dear Community,

    Today I would like to give you a short insight into our plans.

    We have decided that we will not update EndlessWorld 1.0.

    This source is just too old (I am horrified 6 years myself) 8|

    I'm really sorry that I haven't actively tinkered with the server for so long.

    But this server will stay online! But probably only for "old" users.

    Kyrell and I are of the opinion that we will make something completely new and also something different.

    The Chronicle will remain HighFive.

    However, we have considered the following rates:


    Exp/SP: 10x

    Party: 2x

    Drop: 10x

    Spoil: 10x

    Adena: 12x


    Safe +4

    Max +20

    Scrolls: variable (with increasing Enchant-Level less chance)


    Subclass: 3

    Level: 80


    Characters: 150 Slots

    Dwarf: 250 Slots

    Quests: 100 Slots


    Character: 150 Slots

    Dwarf: 250 Slots

    Clan: 250 Slots

    Further details will follow in the next few weeks.

    You are welcome to share your opinion with us.

    Best regards

    The following things are included in the update:

    (+ add | - delete | * change/fix)

    * Update .Net Framework environment

    * Rework of some texts clientside

    * Rework Graphic views

    I hope the updater works without problems.

    Dear Community,

    as you have surely seen, I have included a new button. Buy us a coffee.

    The meaning of the button is explained briefly. Every month I spend the indicated amount for this project.

    I would like to minimize these costs with your help. Buy a coffee has the sense that I can accept voluntary tips without paying a tax to my state.

    There will be no advantages for this!

    I am confident that if you like EndlessWorld, you will support me ?

    Best regards

    Yes, working on a concept takes some time, but you have to start somewhere.

    I agree with you.

    Maybe we will be able to announce something to you in the next few weeks. ;)

    Regarding the problems with PHP, again as a developer I can offer my help to solve those problems.

    If it should be so far, I will contact you via PM.

    Thank you! :love: